Better profitability from one simple thing


Good communication equals profitability.

On the surface, it might seem like communication is all about writing emails, it’s soo much more than that. We’re communicating every single time we interact with our clients: contracts, captions, texts, etc.

All the little ways we communicate combine to form our brand voice, and our brand voice determines the path of our business. 

That’s why we have to communicate strategically.

When we communicate well, we are building an incredibly solid foundation for what clients can expect from us. It lets our clients know precisely how we are going to serve them, and that they’re making the right choice by investing with us, and keeps the money flowing in. All because we are intentional about our communication.

Communication is a two way street.

Yes, it’s our job as business owners to communicate to our clients, but the first step in communicating is LISTENING. We have to really hear our clients to understand their needs. Without listening, we won’t know how to best serve them! And sometimes, we have to listen between the words… hear what they’re saying, but what they’re also not saying. Hear their request, but understand *why* that need is important in the first place. Listening is the easiest way to really connect with our clients. And when we listen first, we might just learn something we weren’t expecting. So take a moment and check yourself- are you really listening to your clients? Are you asking lots of questions and really hearing what they have to say? Are you letting your clients be heard? 

Need help?

If you need support with how to up your communication game, I gotchu, girl. Schedule a coaching call and let’s chat!

Jenna Henderson