The first place I start with all of my coaching clients

journaling for the non-journaler

With all my coaching clients, the very first place I suggest starting anything is from within. And I don't mean that in a cheesy, hippy-dippy way. I mean it in a self-awareness way.⁠

By shutting out external influences and focusing inwardly, we can build a business and life that is exactly what we need it to be.

And knowing what we want from business/life comes from self awareness exploration. ⁠

A good way to begin that is from journaling... and dirty little secret: I'm saying this as someone who has never liked journaling.⁠

There is something about that blank white page staring up at me that totally feels overwhelming and makes me not even know where to start. What could I possibly write about? The perfectionist in me also gets in my way, because I want something tidy and with complete sentences, lol.⁠

So, knowing the benefits of journaling and recognizing my own personality when it comes to the task, I created my very own journaling pages. It's full of thoughtful prompts that help me journal intentionally, and without the intimidation of a clean, white page. ⁠

As we're going into 2021, if journaling has long been on your "I want to try it but I don't know where to start" list, I gotchu. Grab my free printable, journaling for the non-journaler.

PS- If you're not totally sure how self awareness plays into business or what to do exactly to become self-aware, I'd highly suggest you check out my flagship program, Bright Boss Academy. Not only will we dive into this on a deeply personal basis during your 1:1 calls, we'll also spend time as a mastermind group walking through some self awareness exercises. It's gonna be AWESOME and it's totally a great way to kick off your 2021.

Jenna Henderson